Thank you to Woody and the team at The Crofton Pub for raising nearly £500 over the festive period selling our light up bottles! 🧡🧡 An amazing effort and a great start to our 2020 fundraising! 😃
This year has been amazing and we would like to thank everyone who has supported us! 🧡🧡🧡
‘It has been by no means an easy ride. Life without Alex is still a bit sh*t sometimes.
Sometimes the pain is precise, a physical torture in my chest. Other days it is a general solemn, not encompassing but still melancholy.
But we must be the change we wish to see in the world.
2019 taught me not to wait for another year, another month or another day to start living. I will never move on from my brother’s death and I do not want to.
Instead I move forward with him. Experiences mark us and make us, the traumatic ones just as much as the joyful ones.
The new decade brings a new opportunity to make new memories, never to forget to the old ones but reminisce fondly and remind ourselves that in the constant pain of loss by sharing hearts and stories, we may find some comfort.’
All my love, Gemma 💕